crafting wellbeing

Perfectionism vs Improvisation: Essential vs Non-essential

I have long struggled when I see perfectionism slowing things down unhelpfully, reducing spontaneity, limiting creativity, preventing people making a start and when it squashes delicate confidence. The mantra is “I am not good enough”. Sticking too rigidly to rules and protocols which have often been invented out of nowhere and somehow now flourished with certainty, can also have the same effect as stifling perfectionism, but the mantra is often “I am not allowed to…”.  I am aware that my…

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Stay in, save lives, save the NHS: the impact on occupational lives

Important words with many facets to them. Many of you are essential workers still working with clients/patients or managing services, but others will be in isolation, as are millions of others over the UK and further afield. Virtually all aspects of our occupational lives are affected by having to isolate, stay at home, practice social distancing, work from home or indeed the loss of jobs. Building self-awareness about our social and occupational needs right now is crucial – we all…

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There’s more to coaching than solving, sorting and making plans

I know that many of you, if not most of you, are working as OTs in fairly understandable ways and the “barriers” to occupation you deal with maybe  1) physical or environmental, solved or improved with equipment, physical rehabilitation or care support 2) psychological/ cognitive/ sensory, which can be improved with a range of brilliant occupation focused interventions.  However, something which increasingly perplexes me on a personal and professional level are those “barriers” which seem somewhat intangible and lack a…

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10 years time

10 years time

  10 years time? I went on an amazing “walk” recently with my colleague Rosalind who does a unique combination of coaching and walking. You can check out her website here.  This particular walk was actually the first Netwalking session we ran which aims to network people whilst they enjoy fresh air and some exercise. And things shift around surprisingly quickly when you do this! Rosalind and I were chatting to a lady who was struggling to make some seemingly simple…

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and a little self care

Using Questions to Unblock and… a little self care

  Using questions to unblock In the course of writing the ecourse, Coaching Skills for OTs,  I revisited a document I produced a few years ago.  It came from asking OTs what the commonly heard reasons patients give for not moving forward or not putting plans in place: namely what they struggled with. Commonly given answers included: “I don’t have the energy” “There are too many risks” “Its too painful” and many more I often take statements that I hear, be it…

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